❝Be indoors by nightfall. Why? Do not be silly, child.❞

— overheard from the village elderly

There is nothing particularly exceptional about Hillcrux Valley. Sure, avid fans of Scourge of the Gods might recognize it as the hometown of author Ellery B. Lee. However, the town itself holds no other significance whatsoever. A forest, a small waterfall hidden in the depths of it, a festival that celebrates their history—but still, nothing about it stands out compared to other places.

The townsfolk know better, though. There is more to Hillcrux Valley than meets the eye. A spot at the park where the grass doesn’t grow, the feeling of a following gaze when no one else is there, the song of prayers and curses rolled into one.

I haven't been sleeping well.

Same story, again?
I did warn you about the woods.

An old wive's tale? Really?
You believe that?

You'll lose nothing if you do.
You lose sleep if you don't.

Ha-ha, funny.

If you go back... no, nevermind.

— conversation at a local pub

Curious, you delve deeper into the communities, seeking history and half-truths disguised as folklore. The locals seem reluctant. Halting their stories too abruptly, as if sensing sudden danger. Their reactions only fuel your curiosity. What would such an unexceptional town be hiding?

This is how you find yourself in the library, the books surrounding you carry tales of magic and family. A meeting illuminated only by the moonlight, siblings dancing under the stars. Entranced, you look for more. You try to look for older books, perhaps they carry more weight, but they seem to be missing a few key pages. There must be more, you insist.

❝ That place gives me the chills, like, for real. ❞

— a youtuber's vlog

❝ If you're visiting to look for answers, think twice. One can only ever find more mysteries in this place. ❞

— anonymous online review

❝ My hometown? Nothing much can be said. It is simply best experienced for yourself. ❞

— Ellery B. Lee, author of Scourge of the Gods

In your pursuit of knowledge, you head towards the woods. The townsfolk ask you to reconsider, the woods are a dangerous place. But there is no use, for your heart and mind are already made up.

Fallen leaves rustle under your feet as you take steps almost aimlessly. The warnings by the townsfolk resonate in your head, you try to push it aside but the chills crawling under your skin are hard to ignore. That feeling of someone is lurking, ready to pounce at any given opportunity is back again yet when your eyes search the area, no one is there. The wind blows as if it’s humming a song right in your ear. You are now starting to wonder, why did I do this alone?

Luckily, you found a clearing just in time for nightfall. Hold on, nightfall? When did it even get dark? The thought didn’t last long, your muscles started to burn so you started a fire for warmth. The vines and the leaves from wild Gunnera plants seem enough to provide a shelter for a night. You can’t be picky in your situation. All that was left to do was brush it off and call it a night.

Tired from your long day of exploring, you fall asleep to the sound of giggles. You were sure you were alone. Before the panic could rise out of your chest, your vision turns black, lost into the darkness with the last thought in mind: they were right.